If the amount of fluid produced in the eye and the amount of fluid leaving the eye are equal, the pressure in the eye is normal. As fluid builds up and drains less, eye pressure increases; The nerves in the eyes are affected. When nerves are affected by pressure, we call it eye pressure disease, ie ‘glaucoma’.
Of the two types, ‘open-angle glaucoma’ is the most commonly affected. Drops can be used to control eye pressure. If this is not possible, the fluid in the eye can be drained during routine surgery.
Instead of surgery, we have performed on 60 people a new technology that involves inserting a very small instrument through a very small hole and draining the blocked fluid through it. Over the next two weeks, excess fluid can be controlled. After this treatment, many people no longer need the drops. Some people who have been using drugs in four ways have reduced to two.
Genetic factor is the main reason. Glaucoma can affect people of all ages. Over 40 years of age. It is the third leading cause of vision loss in our country. Often the symptoms are unknown. Above the age of 40, eye pressure and nerve function should be checked, just as blood pressure is checked.